In Branding, StrategyJanuary 18, 20242 Minutes

Brand building also depends on internal reality of orgnaization

The values of a brand can be partially built through communication, as the classical approach to branding shows, but staff, or more precisely the organisation’s culture, are also critical contributors to a brand’s functional and emotional values.

Internal brand management is seen by many as a potential route to acquiring sustainable competitive advantage through building a strong brand. Brand building has traditionally concentrated on finding untapped customer opportunities and then devising externally focused strategies — insufficient attention has been paid to staff as brand builders.

With service companies especially, an up-to-date and deep understanding of the brand by virtually all employees is critical.

A strong internal brand has several benefits:

  1. A clear, compelling internal brand provides direction and motivation to employees and partners.
  2. the internal brand can also inspire employees to find and implement creative, breakthrough brand-building programs to stretch for a big idea.
  3. An employee base that is energized by a strong brand will be motivated to talk about the brand to others.
  4. A brand with a vision that includes a higher purpose is likely to provide employees with meaning and even fulfilment in the job.
  5. An activated internal brand strategy can support the organizational culture, which can be the foundation of a strategy and its implementation.

The personality that you’d like to project to the world will have an important internal dimension too; your personality should be reflected in the people you hire. They are, after all, the living embodiment of all that you value

Passion for the brand throughout the company is a very important factor, initiated by an active role of the entrepreneur him/herself to achieving brand recognition.

Reference: A Leslie de Chernatony (2001). Model for Strategically Building Brands. Henry Stewart Publications, 1350-231X Brand Management, 9(1), 32–44